

100K emails

Found:57,113 Not Found:42,885 Match rate 57.11%


Marital Status

Presence of Children

Age Group

Unknown 42.45% 22453
18-34 5.66% 2995
35-44 9% 4761
45-54 12.57% 6648
55-64 15.75% 8332
65 plus 14.57% 7710


Unknown 15.8% 9026
<$30K 13.28% 7585
$30-$50K 15.04% 8590
$50-$75K 16.46% 9400
$75-$100K 12.83% 7326
$100-$150K 14.19% 8102
$150K+ 12.4% 7084

Length of Residence

Unknown 24.83% 14184
< 1 year 2.62% 1499
2-3 years 6.73% 3843
4-5 years 12.65% 7226
6-9 years 17.51% 9999
10-14 years 11.64% 6648
15 years up 24.01% 13714

Net Worth

Unknown 23.87% 13632
Under $100K 21.07% 12034
$100K TO $250K 13.15% 7513
$250K TO 500K 14.08% 8044
$500K+ 27.82% 15890


Unknown 27.22% 15549
Some High School 1.29% 738
High School Completed 18.73% 10699
Some College 20.35% 11620
College Completed 32.4% 18507


Unknown 54.54% 31149
Professional 16.37% 9350
Administrative 5.66% 3233
Sales 1.9% 1087
Blue Collar 4.2% 2399
Cleric 4.49% 2565
Home 2.6% 1485
Retail 7.4% 4229
Business 2.83% 1616

Dwelling Type

Home Owner



Automotive 38 % 21702
Cigar Smoker 1.62 % 924
Crafts and Collectibles 39.55 % 22586
Current Events 16.64 % 9502
Home Decor 49.51 % 28279
Donors 46.85 % 26760
Exercise 35.94 % 20526
Food and Wine 54.46 % 31104
Gamers 5.07 % 2896
Golf 21.63 % 12352
Health 31.72 % 18117
Home and Garden 46.94 % 26811
Home Office 21.73 % 12412
Investor 21.65 % 12365
Investor High End 12.14 % 6933
Investor Low End 9.51 % 5432
Products for Kids 36.64 % 20925
Books and Magazines 63.46 % 36245
Men's Fashion 26.45 % 15104
Motorcycle 6.87 % 3922
Opportunities Seeker 6.1 % 3486
Outdoors 40.4 % 23073
Pets 36.12 % 20627
Cats 19.01 % 10858
Dogs 25.38 % 14494
Smoker 4.86 % 2777
Small Office 12.78 % 7298
Sports 50.72 % 28970
Products for Seniors 17.88 % 10211
Sweeps 26.48 % 15124
Technology 50.08 % 28602
Travel 40.36 % 23051
Travel - Luxury 16.95 % 9680
Travel - Deals 23.41 % 13371
Women's Fashion 57.08 % 32601
Women's Fashion Luxury 23.26 % 13283
Women's Fashion Deals 33.82 % 19318
Weight Loss 23.26 % 13285

State Breakdown

Alaska 0.19 % 111
Alabama 1.3 % 741
Arkansas 0.82 % 468
Arizona 2.54 % 1451
California 11.04 % 6307
Colorado 2.12 % 1211
Connecticut 1.32 % 756
Delaware 0.33 % 188
Florida 5.61 % 3204
Georgia 2.92 % 1667
Hawaii 0.4 % 227
Iowa 0.95 % 543
Idaho 0.52 % 298
Illinois 4.93 % 2815
Indiana 2.26 % 1290
Kansas 0.95 % 543
Kentucky 1.16 % 663
Louisiana 1.32 % 754
Massachusetts 2.44 % 1394
Maryland 2.14 % 1225
Maine 0.4 % 227
Michigan 3.18 % 1815
Minnesota 1.59 % 909
Missouri 2.02 % 1151
Mississippi 0.83 % 472
Montana 0.36 % 206
North Carolina 2.74 % 1565
North Dakota 0.21 % 122
Nebraska 0.64 % 363
New Hampshire 0.49 % 278
New Jersey 3.93 % 2242
New Mexico 0.61 % 349
Nevada 1.16 % 660
New York 6.52 % 3723
Ohio 3.48 % 1990
Oklahoma 1.05 % 598
Oregon 1.27 % 723
Pennsylvania 3.82 % 2184
Rhode Island 0.3 % 170
South Carolina 1.51 % 860
South Dakota 0.23 % 129
Tennessee 1.97 % 1127
Texas 7.4 % 4224
Utah 0.9 % 513
Virginia 2.98 % 1701
Vermont 0.22 % 124
Washington 2.13 % 1219
Wisconsin 1.74 % 995
West Virginia 0.5 % 284
Wyoming 0.22 % 125